0:00 から Introduction of The 5 Knives You Need In Your Kitchen (And How To Use Them) | Epicurious 101 ▶1:46
The 5 Knives You Need In Your Kitchen (And How To Use Them) | Epicurious 101 ▶45:18
0:00 から はじめに ▶16:45
2022年おすすめの低価格ナイフを12選(CIVIVI・Kershaw・QSP・Spyderco・CRKT・COLD STEEL KNIVES) ▶19:14
2022年おすすめの低価格ナイフを12選(CIVIVI・Kershaw・QSP・Spyderco・CRKT・COLD STEEL KNIVES) ▶6:55
0:00 から Introduction of Most Dangerous Knife In America! Bowie Knife and Everything You Need To Know About I ▶13:13
Most Dangerous Knife In America! Bowie Knife and Everything You Need To Know About It. ▶14:14
Most Dangerous Knife In America! Bowie Knife and Everything You Need To Know About It. ▶23:34
0:00 から Introduction of Knifemaker Explains The Difference Between Chef's Knives | Epicurious ▶14:38
Knifemaker Explains The Difference Between Chef's Knives | Epicurious ▶22:14
0:00 から Introduction of Kitchen Knife Buyers Guide: How To Choose The Best Knife Set For You ▶24:18
Kitchen Knife Buyers Guide: How To Choose The Best Knife Set For You ▶18:46
0:00 から Introduction of How to Cut Like a Chef with a Japanese Knife ▶21:12
How to Cut Like a Chef with a Japanese Knife ▶20:35
0:00 から Introduction of KOJI HARA SANZE ONE OFF...the Art of making knife in Japan ▶4:56
KOJI HARA SANZE ONE OFF...the Art of making knife in Japan ▶4:45
00:18 から The Art of Steel Blade Making ▶14:32
Japan Inotada Knife Making ▶22:09
0:00 から Introduction to Knife Crime in UK ▶4:53
UK knife crime: Why is it happening? - BBC Newsnight ▶9:54
0:00 から Introduction of Here’s why these knives can cost over $900. *chef *japaneseknife *cooking ▶14:19
Here’s why these knives can cost over $900. *chef *japaneseknife *cooking ▶15:10
にんじんナイフ基本技10種 -Carrot knife10 Basic tricks- -당근 칼 10 기초기술- ▶5:58
にんじんナイフ基本技10種 -Carrot knife10 Basic tricks- -당근 칼 10 기초기술- ▶31:08
今年の1位は!?老舗刃物屋「山秀」シースナイフ年間売り上げTOP10!【アウトドアナイフ】 ▶13:48
今年の1位は!?老舗刃物屋「山秀」シースナイフ年間売り上げTOP10!【アウトドアナイフ】 ▶11:29
ヤスリで和風ナイフ作ってみた。/ Making a Tanto knife from old file. ▶13:01
ヤスリで和風ナイフ作ってみた。/ Making a Tanto knife from old file. ▶16:12
【アウトドアナイフ】2022年人気ナイフランキング!!老舗刃物屋『山秀』2022年 年間売上TOP5は!? あの日本ナイフも登場!!【ランキング】 ▶3:53
【アウトドアナイフ】2022年人気ナイフランキング!!老舗刃物屋『山秀』2022年 年間売上TOP5は!? あの日本ナイフも登場!!【ランキング】 ▶19:45
The 5 Knives You Need In Your Kitchen (And How To Use Them) | Epicurious 101 ▶37:37
The 5 Knives You Need In Your Kitchen (And How To Use Them) | Epicurious 101 ▶18:20
2022年おすすめの低価格ナイフを12選(CIVIVI・Kershaw・QSP・Spyderco・CRKT・COLD STEEL KNIVES) ▶8:20
2022年おすすめの低価格ナイフを12選(CIVIVI・Kershaw・QSP・Spyderco・CRKT・COLD STEEL KNIVES) ▶26:30
【奇跡のナイフ‼】高性能スペックナイフが激安価格‼超掘り出し物発見‼ ▶11:04
【奇跡のナイフ‼】高性能スペックナイフが激安価格‼超掘り出し物発見‼ ▶11:54
Most Dangerous Knife In America! Bowie Knife and Everything You Need To Know About It. ▶7:47
Most Dangerous Knife In America! Bowie Knife and Everything You Need To Know About It. ▶15:18
Knifemaker Explains The Difference Between Chef's Knives | Epicurious ▶0:48
Knifemaker Explains The Difference Between Chef's Knives | Epicurious ▶17:00
Kitchen Knife Buyers Guide: How To Choose The Best Knife Set For You ▶15:55
Kitchen Knife Buyers Guide: How To Choose The Best Knife Set For You ▶3:17
Knife Making 101: How To Make Your First Knife ▶14:38
【必要ないと思ってた】3年間使った激安ナイフから本格ナイフにステップアップしたら感動しかなかった件【持ったら分かるすごいやつ】TAXUS KNIVES HABILIS SCANDI/タクサスナイフ ▶9:12
【必要ないと思ってた】3年間使った激安ナイフから本格ナイフにステップアップしたら感動しかなかった件【持ったら分かるすごいやつ】TAXUS KNIVES HABILIS SCANDI/タクサスナイフ ▶20:15
【キャンプナイフ】800年の歴史ある刃物の町の老舗と有名キャンパーが本気で開発した、日本製ブッシュクラフトナイフ。タフ&ワイルドを開封&徹底レビュー! ▶10:05
【キャンプナイフ】800年の歴史ある刃物の町の老舗と有名キャンパーが本気で開発した、日本製ブッシュクラフトナイフ。タフ&ワイルドを開封&徹底レビュー! ▶7:38
process of making Damascus knife. Korea's top handmade knife master. ▶17:10
process of making Damascus knife. Korea's top handmade knife master. ▶5:41
老舗刃物屋のプロが解説!世界で一番売れたナイフを作った米国人気ブランドColumbia River Knife & Tool(CRKT)の初心者向け人気モデル、DRIFTER(ドリフター)を徹底解説! ▶8:02
老舗刃物屋のプロが解説!世界で一番売れたナイフを作った米国人気ブランドColumbia River Knife & Tool(CRKT)の初心者向け人気モデル、DRIFTER(ドリフター)を徹底解説! ▶9:02
今、買っておくべきブッシュクラフトナイフ ▶17:02
発表!! 老舗刃物屋『山秀』2021年 上半期 売上ベスト5はコレ! 大本命はあの人気ブッシュクラフトナイフ! ▶7:52
発表!! 老舗刃物屋『山秀』2021年 上半期 売上ベスト5はコレ! 大本命はあの人気ブッシュクラフトナイフ! ▶10:46
【キャンプ道具】キャンプで使っている9本のナイフを比較_シースナイフ編 ▶4:29
【キャンプ道具】キャンプで使っている9本のナイフを比較_シースナイフ編 ▶13:13
Equipment Review: Inexpensive Chef's Knives ▶13:02
Why Japanese Chef’s Knives Are So Expensive | So Expensive ▶16:12
Why Japanese Chef’s Knives Are So Expensive | So Expensive ▶14:22
Making a Survival Knife From an Old File ▶17:49
【ナイフ研ぎ】プロのから教わった方法で研いでみたらスゴかった~FLITZ(フリッツ) メタルポリッシュ ▶5:54
【ナイフ研ぎ】プロのから教わった方法で研いでみたらスゴかった~FLITZ(フリッツ) メタルポリッシュ ▶2:12
How To Sharpen A Knife In About 5 Minutes With ONE Stone | EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FAST! 2023 ▶31:41
How To Sharpen A Knife In About 5 Minutes With ONE Stone | EVERYTHING YOU NEED TO KNOW FAST! 2023 ▶15:35
Making 3 Knife Sheaths: 21 Essential Steps to Follow ▶18:54
【知らないと損】バークリバーナイフを買う前に知っておくべき4つのデメリットとは!? ▶16:15
【知らないと損】バークリバーナイフを買う前に知っておくべき4つのデメリットとは!? ▶39:19
ヤスリから作る自作ナイフ Making a Knife from an Old File ▶14:17
*2024* Ranking Every VALORANT KNIFE From Worst to Best (Melee) ▶22:57
*2024* Ranking Every VALORANT KNIFE From Worst to Best (Melee) ▶4:41
戦闘者が愛用する「神ナイフ」ランキングBest③【硬度.バランス.乗り最高の一品】 ▶13:37
戦闘者が愛用する「神ナイフ」ランキングBest③【硬度.バランス.乗り最高の一品】 ▶19:19
老舗刃物屋のプロが解説!今最も注目のナイフブランドJOKERに新製品登場!初心者にもぴったりなキャンプナイフ、AGUILA(アギラ)を徹底解説! ▶6:13
老舗刃物屋のプロが解説!今最も注目のナイフブランドJOKERに新製品登場!初心者にもぴったりなキャンプナイフ、AGUILA(アギラ)を徹底解説! ▶6:44
Beautiful Japanese Knife Restored - Look how beautiful it looks! ▶8:13
Beautiful Japanese Knife Restored - Look how beautiful it looks! ▶14:33
2023 第31回 関アウトドアズ ナイフショー 序章 その① 10月7日8日 第56回岐阜県 関市 刃物まつり Japan Seki Outdoors Knife Show ▶7:51
2023 第31回 関アウトドアズ ナイフショー 序章 その① 10月7日8日 第56回岐阜県 関市 刃物まつり Japan Seki Outdoors Knife Show ▶0:29
Making a Knife from an Old File | NO POWER tools Knife Making ▶8:02
Making a Knife from an Old File | NO POWER tools Knife Making ▶17:12
【キクナイフ】菊男さんオススメの大型アウトドアナイフ東雲(しののめ)レビュー ▶18:45
【キクナイフ】菊男さんオススメの大型アウトドアナイフ東雲(しののめ)レビュー ▶16:04
Super-Simple Whetstone Knife Sharpening Techniques ▶2:46
How to Master Basic Knife Skills - Knife Cuts 101 ▶15:20
How to Sharpen Any Knife with the Work Sharp Mk. 2 Knife and Tool Sharpener ▶14:45
How to Sharpen Any Knife with the Work Sharp Mk. 2 Knife and Tool Sharpener ▶18:09
How to Sharpen a Knife with a Japanese Master Sharpener ▶14:09
Knife Making - Neck Knife from an Old File ▶6:54
Kiritsuke Knife - Japanese Kitchen Knife Introduction | MUSASHI JAPAN ▶17:53
Kiritsuke Knife - Japanese Kitchen Knife Introduction | MUSASHI JAPAN ▶4:15
キャンプ用の鉈作ってみた/knife making/chopping knife ▶16:38
Making a knife without special tools. DIY ▶1:54
Your Knives Will Be Razor Sharp With This Simple Sharpening Trick ▶19:27
Your Knives Will Be Razor Sharp With This Simple Sharpening Trick ▶34:01
切れ味凄っ!?驚愕の使い勝手とコスパを誇るアウトドアナイフを入手したので魚を捌いてみました。 ▶11:35
切れ味凄っ!?驚愕の使い勝手とコスパを誇るアウトドアナイフを入手したので魚を捌いてみました。 ▶4:45
Simple knife making with an old saw blade ▶12:24
Beginner Knife Making: Forging a Nessmuk Skinning knife ▶7:44
Beginner Knife Making: Forging a Nessmuk Skinning knife ▶18:57
Why Damascus Knives Are So Expensive | So Expensive | Insider Business ▶5:39
Why Damascus Knives Are So Expensive | So Expensive | Insider Business ▶15:12
A Real Gravity Knife one of the most ILLEGAL knives to carry ▶2:22
If I Could Only Choose ONE Knife Whats The BEST One & Done Pocket Knife ▶12:55
If I Could Only Choose ONE Knife Whats The BEST One & Done Pocket Knife ▶5:14
The Only Knife Skills Guide You Need ▶15:53
World's Largest Swiss Army Knife ! 64 Functions ▶
World’s Sharpest Obsidian Knife ▶
Knife Making - Making a Tactical Knife ▶
Beginners Guide To Real Knife Sharpening ▶
600 Years of Tradition! Making Best Japanese Knives in Sakai, Osaka ▶
600 Years of Tradition! Making Best Japanese Knives in Sakai, Osaka ▶
The Common Ones of Japanese Knives are High Quality and Very Useful ▶
The Common Ones of Japanese Knives are High Quality and Very Useful ▶
Top 10 coolest Automatic Knives | Best Spring Assisted Knife ▶
Top 10 coolest Automatic Knives | Best Spring Assisted Knife ▶
【Handmade knife DIY】古いヤスリからキャンプ用サバイバルナイフを作る方法。 ▶
【Handmade knife DIY】古いヤスリからキャンプ用サバイバルナイフを作る方法。 ▶
Knife Handles 101! - How to Make Knife Handles ▶
making mini knife pendant out of bolt - handmade small knife pendant ▶
making mini knife pendant out of bolt - handmade small knife pendant ▶
Making wootz steel out of a car chain. Making a Nepalese KUKRI Knife ▶
Making wootz steel out of a car chain. Making a Nepalese KUKRI Knife ▶
What A Pull Through Knife Sharpener ACTUALLY Does To Your Knife | SUPER CLOSE UP ▶
What A Pull Through Knife Sharpener ACTUALLY Does To Your Knife | SUPER CLOSE UP ▶
【NO.57】切り出しナイフ. (株)高儀 in 新潟. mass product. 利器材使用. Kiridashi knife. ▶
【NO.57】切り出しナイフ. (株)高儀 in 新潟. mass product. 利器材使用. Kiridashi knife. ▶
Making a Knife from an Old File - Backyard Blacksmithing ▶
所さんにガーバーナイフ 所さんのコレクション 刃の研ぎ方 トルーパーズさんありがとうございます。 ▶
所さんにガーバーナイフ 所さんのコレクション 刃の研ぎ方 トルーパーズさんありがとうございます。 ▶
Knife Making - Dark Modern Tanto ▶
Making a Bowie knife from an Old Saw Blade ▶
How to Eat with Fork & Knife (Etiquette Basics & Beyond) ▶
The Perfect Survival Knife Just got a Super Steel Upgrade! Ka-bar Becker BK72 ▶
The Perfect Survival Knife Just got a Super Steel Upgrade! Ka-bar Becker BK72 ▶
Knife making. Bowie knife forging. ▶
How to Throw a Knife (No Spin Knife Throw) ▶
10 Knife Throwing Techniques (With World Champion/Adam Celadin) ▶
10 Knife Throwing Techniques (With World Champion/Adam Celadin) ▶
Old Mora Knife RESTORATION with Amazing Finish ▶
The Best Executive Folding Knives Available Now at KnifeCenter.com ▶
The Best Executive Folding Knives Available Now at KnifeCenter.com ▶
Pena Knivesのアパッチはクラシックで最新技術のフォールディングナイフ。 ▶
Pena Knivesのアパッチはクラシックで最新技術のフォールディングナイフ。 ▶
All Knives + Animations - CS:GO ▶
アウトドアナイフの種類とその研ぎ方 ▶
Amazing ways to sharpen a knife to razor sharpness. ▶
How Do I Close My Folding Knife?? [30s Tutorial] ▶
【お知らせ】新作コラボナイフ、ついに発売! 驚きの錆びにくさ!料理に最適小型ナイフ【第5弾さばいどるナイフ】 ▶
【お知らせ】新作コラボナイフ、ついに発売! 驚きの錆びにくさ!料理に最適小型ナイフ【第5弾さばいどるナイフ】 ▶
Day in the Life of a Japanese Knife Maker ▶
Knife Sharpening That Doesn't Suck! // Work Sharp Precision Adjust Elite ▶
Knife Sharpening That Doesn't Suck! // Work Sharp Precision Adjust Elite ▶
トヨクニ /土佐狩猟剣鉈(300mm) ▶
Best 3 Knife Sets to Buy/Astercook knife set *1?? ▶
2021 World Knife Throwing Championship Finals ▶
フォールディングナイフの開閉システムを徹底解説!あなたに合うのはこれだ! ▶
フォールディングナイフの開閉システムを徹底解説!あなたに合うのはこれだ! ▶
Forging a basketweave damascus take down bowie knife ▶
Forging a basketweave damascus take down bowie knife ▶
Simple & Brutal | Solo Knife Drills ANYONE Can Learn FAST *offensivetactics *knifedrills ▶
Simple & Brutal | Solo Knife Drills ANYONE Can Learn FAST *offensivetactics *knifedrills ▶
How Do Double Action OTF Knives Work??? ▶
The World's Easiest Grinding Jig for Knife Making ▶
Transform Your Cooking with the Perfect Japanese Knife: A Comprehensive Buying Guide ▶
Transform Your Cooking with the Perfect Japanese Knife: A Comprehensive Buying Guide ▶
Knife Sharpening Stand / DIY Knife Sharpening Jig ▶
Give Me 2 Dozen Old Drills And I'll Make The Sharpest Knife That Will Last 50 Years ▶
Give Me 2 Dozen Old Drills And I'll Make The Sharpest Knife That Will Last 50 Years ▶
Discover What Makes the Ultimate Combat Knife! ▶
Primitive Technology: Iron knife made from bacteria ▶
ナイフの使い方(ペンや短い棒で代用可能) ▶
Knife Making - Make A Knife With An Angle Grinder And Basic Hand Tools ▶
Knife Making - Make A Knife With An Angle Grinder And Basic Hand Tools ▶
Victorinox vs Messermeister - Best $30 Chef knife ▶
Top 10 BEST Survival Knives - Mora / Gerber / ESEE / TOPS / Ka-Bar - Best Blades ▶
Top 10 BEST Survival Knives - Mora / Gerber / ESEE / TOPS / Ka-Bar - Best Blades ▶
Top 5 Japanese Knives of 2021 ▶
Knife Making - Hidden Bokuto Knife ▶
クマに襲われた3人「このままじゃ、やられる。一か八か首にナイフを刺そう」反撃を決意…格闘の様子を証言 北海道福島町 ▶
クマに襲われた3人「このままじゃ、やられる。一か八か首にナイフを刺そう」反撃を決意…格闘の様子を証言 北海道福島町 ▶
最短5分で作れる簡単ナイフキット!アレンジは自由自在!切れ味は本物! ▶
最短5分で作れる簡単ナイフキット!アレンジは自由自在!切れ味は本物! ▶
【OLIGHT DREVER】一切忖度しない田村社長が、ほぼ絶賛しかしなかったオーライト社製ナイフのガチレビュー回【ガチタマTV】【ドレーヴァー】 ▶
【OLIGHT DREVER】一切忖度しない田村社長が、ほぼ絶賛しかしなかったオーライト社製ナイフのガチレビュー回【ガチタマTV】【ドレーヴァー】 ▶
Homemade Knife Sharpening Jig | Scary sharp knives ▶


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